Robert E. Aylor Middle School (REAMS) is committed to promoting a positive school climate built upon an inviting and caring environment in which we address and monitor the individual learning needs of all students. We strive to create a partnership between students, parents, educators and community stakeholders with regards to learning goals and success criteria to increase student achievement.
Goal: Staff members will provide students with feedback that clearly communicates where they are going, where they are now (relative to learning goal or targets), and what they can do to close the gap.
Areas of focus for REAMS:
- Formative Feedback
- Objective and Lesson Plan Alignment
- Tiered Systems of Support
Continuous School Improvement Plan
- 2023-24 Aylor Continuous School Improvement Plan
- School Quality Profile
- 2023 Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions - Robert E. Aylor Middle Summary Report